Pemberton Medical Clinic opening hours are Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) 9am - 5pm.
Q. What services do you provide at the Pemberton Medical Clinic?
A. We are a full service family practice clinic. Some of these services include:
Physical examinations
Pre-natal and post-natal care
Specialist referrals
IUD insertions
Chronic Disease Management
Drivers medicals
Aviation medicals
Minor treatments and surgeries
Uninsured services
All of our doctors also provide a full spectrum of emergency care for our patients 24/7 through the Pemberton Emergency Department.
Pemberton Medical Clinic Policy
The Doctors of British Columbia believe in a patient's right to access high quality medical care. Medically necessary care should be publicly funded. Unfortunately Medical Services Plan (MSP) cannot afford to pay for every possible type of service provided by doctors. Due to deficiencies in the medical coverage provided by MSP, it has become necessary to modify the way the doctors provide services. Consequently, our clinic must make the following adjustments to the way we run our practice.
Q. What happens if I can’t make my appointment?
A. Please cancel your appointment either by calling the office on (604) 894-6454, or by e-mail (link). In a busy practice, missed appointments due to last minute cancellations and 'no shows' are very disruptive. A charge for the missed visit may be requested. Please notify the office as soon as possible should you need to change/cancel an appointment, as another patient will be grateful to have it.
Q. I have an appointment tomorrow but my child is sick, can I bring him/her with me to get seen at the same time?
A. No. This will cause the doctor to run behind schedule. You may however forfeit your appointment and give it to your child, and reschedule your appointment for a later date.
Q. What should I do if I have more than one medical problem or illness?
A. Doctors will deal with one medically necessary problem or illness per visit. Please do not expect the doctors to deal with several unrelated medical concerns at one visit. Please tell at the start of your appointment what your concerns are so that the doctor can deal with the most important one at the visit. If you wish to discuss another concern that you have that is not related to the main problem, then please book another appointment.
Q. I just found out I’m pregnant, what should I do?
A. You can book an appointment with your family doctor to review your options or set up your first prenatal appointment.
Q. How can I get my form signed by my doctor?
A. Please book an appointment. If you need to have a form completed or signed, please give it to our staff before your appointment. A reasonable fee will be charged for all forms and letters.
Q. What do I do if I don’t have medical insurance?
A. Our medical practice provides care to our patients, including diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of medical conditions covered by the Medical Services Plan (MSP) of British Columbia. There are many services that the Ministry of Health considers non-essential and are therefore 'uninsured'. Although the Ministry of Health does not pay for these valuable services, we are pleased to provide these services to our patients. 'Uninsured' services that are provided in addition to an 'insured' medical service may be billed directly to patients.
'Uninsured' services are billed at set rates according to the value of the service, which depends on the time, effort and expertise required to complete the requested service. Please be aware that your doctor assumes the responsibility and legal liability for all statements made on any document signed for you, no matter how trivial the document may appear (e.g. sick notes).
Our staff can give you an estimate of the cost involved for most uninsured services. Please refer to the partial list of fees for forms and uninsured services.
We will be happy to issue a receipt to you for insurance or tax purposes. Thank you.